Volunteer Opportunities

Paint Dexter is made possible through city involvement and civic participation. Volunteers from in and around Dexter have helped make it a success every year. Whether hanging paintings, wrapping for delivery, or reviewing and updating this website, a large part of our success is the result of dedicated art loving people like yourself.

If you’re interested in volunteering to be part of the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival planning or execution, let us know by clicking the Volunteer button below and answering a few questions.

Volunteer Form

Host an Artist

The Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival is fortunate to be able to host artists from all-over the United States and Canada. Participating in Festivals is can be an expensive proposition for artists that travel from out-of-town and spend a week in a hotel. With this in mind, we are asking that Festival patrons consider hosting an artist in their home during the week of the Festival. Our goal is to connect patrons with participating artists (the level of accommodation is entirely between the host and the artist).

Please visit the link below and complete the Host an Artist Form if you may be interested in hosting an artist for the week of the Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival.

Host an Artist

Property Painting Sign-up

Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival staff is creating a list of unique properties to help participating artists find locations and landscapes to paint during the Festival. Please click the button below to register your property as a potential subject of a painting by one or more of the participating Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival artists. We are currently only accepting submissions from property owners whose property is located within the Dexter School District.

Please note that registering your property does not guarantee that it will be the subject of a Festival painting.

Property List


Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival

3515 Broad Street

Dexter, MI 48130


 Please contact us:




Paint Dexter will respond to inquires at the earliest opportunity. Email is the best way to reach Paint Dexter.
