Thomas Rosenbaum is an Ann Arbor artist who works in various mediums and styles and was characterized by one of his former teachers as a “chameleon.” He has attended numerous workshops and classes in pursuit of better ways to express his art through oil paints, acrylic, charcoal, encaustic, watercolor, and pastel.
Thomas has exhibited at many venues including Fresh Forage Restaurant, Ann Arbor Library Mallets Branch (AAWA), and The City Club (AAWA). He is a member of the Scarab Club, Ann Arbor Art Center, the Arts Alliance, The Alliance for the Arts (Florida), Ft. Myers Beach Art Association, Ft. Myers Art association,, Raw Artists, and Huron River Artist Collective. He has hosted weekly life drawing at his studio sponsored, and attends life drawing at Eastern Michigan University, and the Scarab Club in Detroit.
His most recent interests have taken him into exploration of ways to express the landscape in unique ways. He is influenced by the pastels of Degas the oils of Renoir, the wild expressions of Willem DeKooning, the drawings of Egon Schiele, as well as the evolution of Picasso’s works. He is generally influenced by the post impressionists, abstract expressionists and mid-century modern, as well as contemporary artists such as Harry Ally, Dan McCaw, and Malcolm Liepke .
I paint to help others see and feel the beauty that I see every day.
Thomas Rosenbaum
The Artists’ Studio and Gallery
3120 Miller St.
Ann Arbor, Mi. 40103
Thomas’ Work