Hi, my name is Tina Hotchkiss. I was raised in central Ohio on a horse farm. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and Sciences from The Ohio State University. I worked as a commercial and residential designer for 15 years and had the pleasure of working with designers who showed excellent drawing skills.
During those 15 years I fell in love with the drawing and rendering processes of design. Wanting to share the skills I learned, I decided to teach drawing to people with the mutual love for the arts. I enjoyed this new adventure so much, I expanded my skills to watercolor, color pencils, and pastels. My goal is to experience more forms of art and expand my horizons and at the same time, share these skills with others.
I’m currently teaching art classes from my studio and on the platform Etchr as a resident artist. I’m also a member of the Huron River Art Collective, Chelsea Painters, National Watercolor Society (and Michigan chapter) and Brighton Art Guild. I have participated in many juried and non-juried shows sponsored by these organizations. I can be reached by email at tinasartforms@yahoo.com or call/text 734-678-9049.
Tina’s Work